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Membership listing with us - you must provide a link back to us
with one of the buttons or the text link below. This button/text
link must be on
either your main page or a "links" or "membership" page.
If we do not find the member button linking back to us within 3
days of your listing, your listing will not be approved. If you
have a paid listing of a Crafter ($29/yr) or Super Crafter
($44/yr) with us, you are not required to link back to us but
we'd love if you would!
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�Copyright 2003 -
2011, a
property of Moms Network. No content can be used without written permission.
email: [email protected] Moms
Network P.O. Box 238 Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-4036 (fax) 651-322-1702